Hello friends! I'm João Emanuel and I have AME

 João Emanuel's story begins on July 29, 2019 in Lindolfo Collor, in the Serra region, in Rio Grande do Sul.

After the long-awaited pregnancy by her mother, Luciana Vanderleia Rasch, 41, and her father, Édio Schropfer, 43, at three months they both realized that there was something wrong with João's health. In the search for the diagnosis, at 4 months of age, he was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (AME) type I, one of the most aggressive types of degenerative genetic disease, with a life expectancy of two years.

Since then, the family that had already lost their first daughter, 18 years ago due to the same disease, is once again experiencing the struggle for their son's life. The disease that affects and impairs feeding, breathing and causes the gradual loss of arm and leg movements, makes João perform treatment at home, as his breathing depends on devices, gastric tube to eat every three hours, in addition to motor physiotherapy and respiratory physiotherapy sessions performed with the assistance of a speech therapist three times a week.

However, even so, the only medicine capable of saving João's life costs 12 million reais. It is considered the most expensive in the world. That's because Zolgensma is applied directly to the bloodstream, repairing the damaged cell and stimulating muscle strength. Although the disease has no cure, this remedy is the only one capable of reversing and providing João with a healthy life and must be applied until the age of two to obtain the expected result.

In this way, the fight against time has made a network of collaborators, friends and family in the quest to collect the value of the treatment. Along this long path, raffles, sweepstakes, solidarity tolls and social media campaigns are held daily.

Be part of João's story! Donate and help save your life.

For donation by vakinha online access the link: https://www.vakinha.com.br/vaquinha/unidos-pelo-joao-ame

You can also deposit to one of the accounts below:

Cooperativa Sicredi - 748
Coop 0101
Current Account 97128-4
João Emanuel Rasch Schropfer
CPF: 063.438.110-52

Banco do Brasil - 001
National account
Agency 46132
Checking Account 25783-4
Luciana Vanderléia Rasch
CPF: 974.372.040-53 (My mom's CPF)
Additional for international account
IBAN: BR2000000000046130000257834C1

Banrisul Bank
Branch 0232
Savings Account 39.038859.0-4
João Emanuel Rasch Schropfer
CPF: 688.031.760-04 (CPF of my dad)

Bradesco Bank
Agency 1926-7
Current Account 41308-9
João Emanuel Rasch Schropfer
CPF: 063.438.110-52

Federal Savings Bank
Agency 1765
Savings Account 0003981 1-4
João Emanuel Rasch Schropfer
CPF: 063.438.110-52

Agency 0001
Current Account 31900505-0
CPF: 688.031.760-04 (CPF of my dad)

For new users:
Bonus code: GSJ67G
just type "amejoaoemanuel" in the search 

Or donate by credit card or boleto through the Site Melhor Presente: https://melhorpresente.org/website/eventdetail.php?id=238


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